Nan Jia
University of Southern California
Dr Nan Jia holds a PhD in Strategic Management from theRotman School of Management, University of Toronto (Canada). Her researchinterests include corporate political strategy, business-go
vernancerelationships, and cor
porate governance in international business. Nan’s research has been published in the Management Science, StrategicManagement Journal, Organizational Science, Administrative Science Quarterly,Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, and Journal ofPolitics. She serves on the editorial boards of the Strategic ManagementJournal, Academy of Management Review, and the Journal of InternationalBusiness Studies. Nan’s teaching interests andexperience encompass Strategic Management and International Business.
2.Abstract of the speech
Augmented Intelligence in Customer Purchase Journey: Evidence of AI-Human Hybrid from aField Experiment
Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies have been rapidlyand widely adopted as a powerful tool in serving customers, and a key focus isto create complementarity between AI and human agents to create more value. Westudy a new form of AI-to-human augmented intelligence in customer purchasejourney, which is to first assign AI chatbot to perform initial customeracquisition to generate sales leads, and then hand sales leads over to humanagent to engage in customer persuasion. We first provide causal evidencethrough a field experiment that this AI-to-human treatment generates a highercustomer purchase rate than the control group of all-human service. We alsodemonstrate the critical conditions for the desirable outcome to occur, whichis to deploy AI-to-human treatment for the “right” match between agent type and customer type. Finally, we show thatthe value-enhancing outcomes occur by way of increasing the novelty andefficiency of customer persuasion.
Tat Chan
Washington University in St. Louis
Dr Tat Chan is a Professor of Marketing at the OlinBusiness School, Washington University in St. Louis.His research interestfocuses on using statistics and econometric methods to study individualconsumption choices and peer interactions in various markets, and employeebehaviors within organizations. He has had a wide range of researchcollaborations with companies across industries and countries. His research hasbeen published in top marketing and economic journals.
2.Abstract of the speech
Using Algorithm Scores to Measure the Impacts of Targeted Promotional Messages
Targeting promotion decisions made by managers nowadays arefacilitated by the development of machine learning algorithms . Thesealgorithms often map a customer’s largeamount of demographics and behavioral data into several personalized scores,based on which managers can make timely decisions. We propose a novel matchingmethod that is based on the algorithm scores to measure the effectiveness oftargeting promotions. This method addresses the issues of selection bias andthe curse of dimensionality. We apply the method to estimate the effects ofpromotional messages sent by Alibaba’s retailplatforms. Results show that the messages generate reads, leading to increasedstore visits and purchases; however, they also increase unsubscriptions thatcan be costly for sellers. We compare the results with the estimates obtainedfrom a randomized field experiment run on the same platforms, and find that theproposed matching method can effectively recover the true effects. By contrast,the estimated effects are seriously over-biased without matching, and suchbiases cannot be mitigated by traditional matching methods.
分论坛:人工智能对新兴市场商业的影响(Impact ofArtificial Intelligence on Business in Emerging Markets)
With the rapid advances of artificial intelligence(AI) technologies, firms from emerging markets have started adopting AIapplications to enhance their productivity and find ways to expand theirbusiness. Leading developing nations like China are witnessing an upward trendin AI applications. The rapid development of machine learning and deep learninghas produced huge strides in cognitive computing and natural languageprocessing, laying the foundations for AI business applications . AI is poisedto reshape most aspects of emerging markets; for example, finance, labor, humanresource management, marketing, advertising, business strategy, supply chainmanagement, services, retail, and information systems. Consequently, savvyentrepreneurs are exploring the potential of facial, image, and speechrecognition to reduce the costs and barriers of doing business, which in turnshould improve productivity.
李纲(Gang Li)
North China University of Water Resources and ElectricPower
Dr. Gang Li is Distinguished Achievement Professor ofManagement and Dean of the School of Management and Economics at North ChinaUniversity of Water Resources & Electric Power in Zhengzhou, China. He hasled many projects funded by the National Social Science Fund of China, Soft ScienceFoundation of Henan province, and Program for Science & TechnologyInnovation Talents in Universities of Henan Province. He has authored over 40academic publications, including 36 journal papers and five books. Currently,he is a section editor of Chinese Journal of Management and Management Review.His research interests include marketing theory, artificial intelligence inbusiness, management science, and service innovation and entrepreneurship.
戴鑫(Xin Dai)
Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Dr.Xin Dai is Professor of Business Administration atHuazhong University of Science and Technology. He is a senior projectevaluation expert of the National Natural Science Foundation of China and anauthoritative evaluation expert of 100 excellent management cases of nationalMBA intercollegiate steering committee. In addition, he is the reviewer ofNankai Business Review, Chinese Journal of Management, Journal of MarketingScience and other academic journals, and as the contributing author of marketingpractice magazines such as China Marketing simultaneously. His researchinterests include new media marketing, integrated marketing communication,strategic marketing, crisis management, change management and other researchfields with significant application value.
高京燕(Jingyan Gao)
North China University of Water Resources & ElectricPower
Dr.Jingyan Gao is an Associate Professor of Management atNorth China University of Water Resources & Electric Power in Zhengzhou,China. She holds a PhD in Comparative Political economy from Boston University(America). Her research interests include management theory, artificialintelligence in business, management science, and service innovation andentrepreneurship. Her research has been published in a several economic ormanagement journals.
2.Abstract of the speech
The impact of artificial intelligence technology stimuli on smart customerexperience
——Themoderating effect of technology readiness
This research clarifies the connotation and dimension ofartificial intelligence technology stimuli, and then establishes the artificialintelligence technology stimuli scale to explain the relationship betweenartificial intelligence technology stimuli and smart customer experience. Thisis a empirical research that use SPSS24.0 and AMOS23.0 software to analyze, andconstruct a structural equation model between related variables to performhypothesis testing on the path relationship between model elements. The twodimensions of artificial intelligence technology stimuli (passion andusability) have a significant positive impact on the smart customer experience;the moderating effects of different dimensions of technology readiness(optimism and discomfort) are significantly different; smart customerexperience has a significant positive impact on word-of-mouth intentions. Thereare several limitations, most importantly, the data collected in this study areonly from consumers who use intelligent customer service robots in the cateringindustry, future research can consider exploring relevant artificialintelligence technologies in other industries. This study has severalimplications that guide catering companies to develop various positioning andstrategies for remaining competitive effectively. Based on the Arousal theory,Customer experience theory, Word-of-mouth marketing theory, this is the firstnovel research that empirically discussed the dimensions of artificialintelligence technology stimuli, smart customer experience, WOM intentionsunder the moderating effect of technology readiness towards AI technology.
王强(Qiang Wang)
Xi’an Jiaotong University
Dr. Wang is an Associate Professor at School of Management,Xi’an Jiaotong University. He holds a PhD inoperations management from Chinese University of Hong Kong. His researchinterests mostly focus on service innovation and supply chain management. Hehas published more than twenty papers at leading international journals, twobooks, and dozens of conference papers and Chinese journal papers.
2.Abstract of the speech
Service Innovation in the Era of Digital Intelligence
Digital intelligence technologies represented by artificialintelligence(AI)and big datahave been widely applied in the service industries, and intelligent servicesare developing rapidly. To understand the research progress of intelligentservice innovation systematically,this study summarizedthe literature involving intelligent services and innovations,and concluded from five perspectives,i.e.,development and progress of technology,reshapingservice and consumption,customer acceptance,employee and labor market,ethics andsecurity. From the five research perspectives,itdeveloped an integrated framework to summarize existing research achievementsand the related research streams,and then proposedfuture research opportunities.
冯文婷(Wenting Feng)
China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)
Feng Wenting is an instructor in the School of Jewellery atthe China University of Geosciences (Wuhan). She received her Ph.D. in BusinessAdministration from Wuhan University. Her research has been published in suchjournals as International Journal of Advertising, Frontier in psychology, ActaPsychologica Sinica. Her current research interests include anthropomorphiccommunication, brand marketing, donation behavior.
2.Abstract of the speech
Is flattering AI more popular? The influence of AI communication strategies onconsumers’ preferences
This study will explore the influence of communicationstrategies (euphemistic/direct) on consumers’ attitudeto AI chatbots based on autonomy theory. This study consists of 3 experiments.Experiment 1 shown that communication strategies (euphemistic/direct) moderatedthe relationship between the main body (AI, human) and consumers’ attitude. When using a euphemistic strategy, AI assistant was morenegatively evaluated than human assistant. When using a direct strategy, thereexists no distinction between AI chatbots and human. Experiment 2 examined themediated-moderating role of autonomy in the main effec. communicationstrategies moderated the relationship between the the main body (AI, human) andconsumers’ attitude through consumers’ perceptions on the autonomy of the main body. Experiment 3 shownthat the interaction of the main body (human, AI) and communication strategies(euphemistic/direct) on consumers’ attitude wasmoderated by the type of service (active, passive). When the service type waspassive, the interaction of the main body (human, AI) and communicationstrategies on consumers’ attitude was significant. Whenthe service type was active, the interaction of the main body (human, AI) andcommunication strategies on consumers’ attitude wasinsignificant. This study focuses on the influence of communication strategieson consumers’ attitude to AI customer service, whichmakes up for the research gap of previous studies and opens a new theoreticalperspective for mitigating AI discrimination.
樊骅(Hua Fan)
Shanghai International Studies University
Hua Fan is an assistant professor in the School of Businessand Management at the Shanghai International Studies University. He receivedhis Ph.D. in Business Administration from Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Hisresearch has been published in such journals as Industrial MarketingManagement, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Retailing and ConsumerServices. His current research interests include omnichannel, customerexperience, and (dis)embodied robotic service.
2.Abstract of the speech
How AI Chatbots Have Reshaped the Frontline Interface in China: Examining the Role ofSales-Service Ambidexterity and Personalization-Privacy Paradox
Artificial intelligence-based chatbots have been widely deployedin Chinese markets to optimize frontline sales-service interface. This studyserves two purposes: (1) to evaluate the effects of organizationalambidexterity by examining how the balanced and the combined sales–service configurations of chatbots differ in their abilities toenhance customer experience and patronage and (2) to apply information boundarytheory to assess the contingent role that chatbot sales–service ambidexterity can play in adapting to customers’ personalization–privacy paradox. An onlinesurvey of artificial intelligence chatbots users was conducted, and amixed-methods research design involving response surface analysis andpolynomial regression was adopted to address the research aim. The results ofpolynomial regressions on survey data from 507 online customers indicated thatas the benefits of personalization decreased and the risk to privacy increased,the inherently negative (positive) effects of imbalanced (combined) chatbots’ sales–service ambidexterity had anincreasing (decreasing) influence on customer experience. Furthermore, customerexperience fully mediated the association of chatbots’sales–service ambidexterity with customer patronage.