外国语学院王林南老师(独立作者)2019年9月在SSCI语言学一区国际学术期刊Computer Assisted Language Learning上发表研究论文“Effects of Regulation on Interaction Pattern in Web-based Collaborative Writing Activity”(Published online 20th September, 2019)。该论文研究了中国大学生在线合作英语写作活动中的同伴合作模式,以及自我调节学习对同伴间合作的影响。研究结果对英语在线合作写作的改进以及自我调节学习的设计具有一定的启发意义和贡献。该论文为在线学习的研究提供了新的研究方法和思路,促进了现代教育技术辅助的大学英语教学的创新。

Although regulation has become a critical method to improve the effect of collaborative writing in L2 classes, it is still not clear how the regulation activities influence peer interactions, which is important for improvement of regulation itself. This case study examined dynamic interactions of several small teams of ESL students when they performed two collaborative argument writing tasks without and with regulation. Interaction patterns were identified in terms of ‘equality’ and ‘mutuality’ and different interaction patterns occurred when these learners switched between tasks. The dynamic features of peer interactions were explained according to an extended activity model. This study enriched the observation of how regulation affected peer interactions through sociocultural factors. The result can provide insights into how regulation activity should be designed and improved for web-based collaborative writing activities in L2 classes.
Keywords: collaborative writing; interaction pattern; regulation; ESL learner; activity model