



科研简介及成果长期从事水旱灾害风险、水资源高效利用、流域水循环过程模拟等方面的科研工作,担任《Water Resources Research》、Journal of Hydrology》、Agricultural and Forest Meteorology》、《Science of The Total Environment》等多个高水平期刊的审稿人。目前在水资源领域以第一作者发表发表SCI论文12篇,其中SCI中科院1Top论文8



20139-20166月,华北水利水电大学,农业水土工程专业 硕士

20169-20206月,郑州大学,水利信息技术专业 博士


202010-至今,华北水利水电大学,水利学院 讲师





[1] 国家重点研发计划专题面向特大干旱孕育过程的渐进式动态需水预测技术2023YFC3006603),2023.11-2026.10主持;

[2] 河南省科技攻关项目三维视角下黄河流域干旱链式传递及预警关键技术研究2024.01-2025.12,主持;

[3] 水利部数字孪生流域重点实验室开放基金项目基于时空传递的黄河流域干旱智能预警模型研究Z02020420222024.01-2025.12,主持;

[4] 河南省高等学校重点科研项目基于时空聚类的气象干旱-生态干旱传递机理及驱动因素研究24A5700052024.01-2025.12,主持;

[5] 中国水利水电科学研究院开放基金项目华北平原生态干旱动态变化及其对气象干旱的响应研究IWHR-SKL_KF2022072022.05-2024.05,主持;

[6] 水利部牧区水利科学研究所开放基金项目阴山北麓荒漠草原区生态干旱动态变化及驱动机制YSS2021182021.12-2023.12,主持



[1] Fei Wang, Hexin Lai, Ruyi Men, Ke Sun, Yanbin Li, Kai Feng, Qingqing Tian, Wenxian Guo, Xuefang Du, Yanping Qu. Spatial and temporal evolutions of terrestrial vegetation drought and the influence of atmospheric circulation factors across the Mainland China[J]. Ecological Indicators, 2024, 158: 111455.SCI中科院2区)

[2] Fei Wang, Hexin Lai, Yanbin Li, Kai Feng, Qingqing Tian, Zezhong Zhang, Danyang Di, Haibo Yang. Terrestrial ecological drought dynamics and its response to atmospheric circulation factors in the North China Plain[J]. Atmospheric Research, 2023, 294: 106944.SCI中科院1区)

[3] Fei Wang, Hexin Lai, Yanbin Li, Kai Feng, Qingqing Tian, Wenxian Guo, Weijie Zhang, Danyang Di, Haibo Yang. Dynamic variations of terrestrial ecological drought and propagation analysis with meteorological drought across the mainland China[J]. Science of The Total Environment, 2023, 896: 165314.SCI中科院1区)

[4] Fei Wang, Hexin Lai, Yanbin Li, Kai Feng, Qingqing Tian, Wenxian Guo, Yanping Qu, Haibo Yang. Spatio-temporal evolution and teleconnection factor analysis of groundwater drought based on the GRACE mascon model in the Yellow River Basin[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2023, 626: 130349.SCI中科院1区)

[5] Fei Wang, Hexin Lai, Yanbin Li, Kai Feng, Zezhong Zhang, Qingqing Tian, Xiaomeng Zhu, Haibo Yang. Dynamic variation of meteorological drought and its relationships with agricultural drought across China[J]. Agricultural Water Management, 2022, 261: 107301.SCI中科院1区)

[6] Fei Wang, Hexin Lai, Yanbin Li, Kai Feng, Zezhong Zhang, Qingqing Tian, Xiaomeng Zhu, Haibo Yang. Identifying the status of groundwater drought from a GRACE mascon model perspective across China during 2003-2018[J]. Agricultural Water Management, 2022, 260: 107251.SCI中科院1区)

[7] Fei Wang, Zongmin Wang, Haibo Yang, Danyang Di, Yong Zhao, Qiuhua Liang. Utilizing GRACE-based groundwater drought index for drought characterization and teleconnection factors analysis in the North China Plain[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2020, 585: 124849.SCI中科院1区)

[8] Fei Wang, Zongmin Wang, Haibo Yang, Danyang Di, Yong Zhao, Qiuhua Liang. A new copula-based standardized precipitation evapotranspiration streamflow index for drought monitoring[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2020, 585: 124793.SCI中科院1区)

[9] Fei Wang, Zongmin Wang, Haibo Yang, Danyang Di, Yong Zhao, Qiuhua Liang, Zafar Hussain. Comprehensive evaluation of hydrological drought and its relationships with meteorological drought in the Yellow River basin, China[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2020, 584: 124751.SCI中科院1区)

[10] Fei Wang, Haibo Yang, Zongmin Wang, Zezhong Zhang, Zhenhong Li. Drought evaluation with CMORPH satellite precipitation data in the Yellow River Basin by using gridded Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index[J]. Remote Sensing, 2019, 11: 485.SCI中科院2区)

[11] Fei Wang, Zongmin Wang, Haibo Yang, Yong Zhao, Zhenhong Li, Jiapeng Wu. Capability of remotely sensed drought indices for representing the spatio-temporal variations of the meteorological droughts in the Yellow River Basin[J]. Remote Sensing, 2018, 10: 1834.SCI中科院2区)

[12] Fei Wang, Zongmin Wang, Haibo Yang, Yong Zhao. Study of the temporal and spatial patterns of drought in the Yellow River basin based on SPEI[J]. Science China Earth Sciences, 2018, 61: 1098-1111.SCI中科院2区)


[1] 朱晓萌,齐青青,张泽中,王飞,常跃。《变化环境下贵州烟水工程抗旱减灾能力评估与提升对策》,黄河水利出版社,20228月。


[1] 农业干旱早期预警与防灾减灾关键技术,河南省人民政府,河南省科技进步三等奖,20223月,第6完成人。



