2008年9月-2012年7月,华北水利水电学院,土木工程专业 本科
2012年9月-207年12月,大连理工大学,防灾减灾工程及防护工程专业 硕博连读
2018年9月-至今,华北水利水电大学,水利学院 讲师
2019年4月-2020年7月,水利部河湖保护中心,监管事务二处 讲师
[1] 河南省重点研发与推广专项(科技攻关)项目(212102310269)“海上风电机组控制对结构动力特性的影响机制与智能减振研究”,2021.01-2022.12,主持;
[2] 水利部水工程建设与安全重点实验室开放研究基金面上项目(202110)“地震作用下高寒地区混凝土坝基于性能的安全评价研究”,2022.01-2023.12,主持;
[3] 国家重点研发计划项目专题(2018YFC0406901)“南水北调工程运行性能演变、病害成因及安全影响因素研究”,2018.07-2021.06,参与。
[1] Chen Jianyun, Yuan Chenyang*, Li Jing, et al. Semi-active fuzzy control of edgewise vibrations in wind turbine blades under extreme wind[J]. Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics, 2015, 147: 251-261. (SCI, IF=4.437);
[2] Yuan Chenyang, Chen Jianyun*, Li Jing, et al. Fragility analysis of large-scale wind turbines under the combination of seismic and aerodynamic loads[J]. Renewable Energy, 2017, 113: 1122-1134. (SCI, IF=8.634);
[3] Yuan Chenyang, Li Jing*, Chen Jianyun, et al. Study on the influence of baseline control system on the fragility of large-scale wind turbine considering seismic-aerodynamic combination[J]. Advances in Civil Engineering, 2020, 2020:1-15. (SCI, IF=1.843);
[4] Yuan Chenyang, Xie Yunfei*, Li Jing, et al. Influence of the number of ground motions on fragility analysis of 5 MW wind turbines subjected to aerodynamic and seismic loads interaction[J]. Energies. 2022; 15(6):2094. (SCI, IF=3.252);
[5] Yuan Chenyang*, Li Jing*, Xie Yunfei, et al. Investigation on the effect of the baseline control system on dynamic and fatigue characteristics of modern wind turbines[J]. Applied Sciences. 2022; 12(6):2968. (SCI, IF=2.838);
[6] Yuan Chenyang*, Xie Yunfei*, Ou Mang. Adaptive Optimization Method for Piled Raft Foundations Based on Variable Pile Spacing[J]. Applied Sciences, 2023, 13(3): 1648. (SCI, IF=2.838);
[7] Yuan Chenyang, Li Chunlei, Huang Hao*, Bai Weifeng*, Xie Yunfei. Numerical Simulation Study on the Constitutive Model of Fully-Graded Concrete Based on Statistical Damage Theory. Buildings. 2023; 13(10):2412. (SCI, IF=3.8);
[8] Xie Yunfei*, Yuan Chenyang*, Bai Weifeng. A Simplified Analysis Method for Seismic Response of Pile Foundation[J]. Applied Sciences, 2023, 13(22): 12398. (SCI, IF=2.838);
[9] Bai Weifeng, Song Zhou, Yuan Chenyang*, Guan Junfeng*, et al. Study on mechanical properties and damage mechanism of recycled concrete containing silica fume in freeze-thaw environment[J]. Construction and Building Materials (Top), 2023, 375: 130872. (SCI, IF=7.693);
[10] Bai Weifeng, Lu Xiaofeng, Yuan Chenyang*, Guan Junfeng*, et al. Study on macroscopic mechanical properties and mesoscopic damage mechanism of recycled concrete with metakaolin under sodium sulfate erosion environment[J]. Journal of Building Engineering, 2023, 70: 106413. (SCI, IF=6.4);
[11] Bai Weifeng, Wang Xiang, Yuan Chenyang*, Guan Junfeng*, et al. Study on dynamic mechanical properties and meso-damage mechanism of carbon fibers recycled aggregate concrete under freeze-thaw environment[J]. Journal of Building Engineering, 2023, 79: 107768. (SCI, IF=6.4);
[12] Bai Weifeng, Geng Yue, Yuan Chenyang*, Guan Junfeng*, et al. Study on mechanical properties and mesoscopic damage mechanism of metakaolin modified recycled aggregate concrete[J]. Developments in the Built Environment, 2024: 100332. (SCI, IF=8.2);
[13] Bai Weifeng, Lu Xiaofeng, Guan Junfeng*, Yuan Chenyang*. Experimental study on uniaxial compression mechanical properties ofrecycled concrete with silica fume considering the effect of curing age [J]. Construction and Building Materials (Top), 2022; 4123921. (SCI, IF=7.693);
[14] 苑晨阳,李静,陈健云*,徐强.大型风电机组变桨距ABC-PID控制研究[J].太阳能学报,2019,40(10):3002-3008. (EI);
[15] Yuan Chenyang*, Xu Xinyong, Nie Xiangtian, et al. Study on the influence of sudden change of water level on high fill canal segment[J]. Civil Engineering Journal, 2021, 30(3). (EI).
[1] 苑晨阳,李静,陈健云,等.一种减小风机叶片摆振的智能控制器及其方法, 2017-12-5,中国, ZL201510658747.0;
[2] 李静,陈健云,苑晨阳,等.一种基于偏航的风力发电结构振动控制调谐质量阻尼器,2021-2-19,中国,ZL201911171145.7.