Lei Hongjun, Bhattarai Surya, Balsys Ron*, Midmore D J, Holmes T, Zimmerman W, Temporal and spatial dimension of dissolved oxygen saturation with fluidic oscillator and Mazzei air injector in soil-less irrigation systems[J]. Irrigation Science, 2016, 34: 421-430 (SCI收录)
Pan Hongwei, Lei Hongjun*, Liu Xin, Wei Huaibin, Liu Shufang, Assessment on the leakage hazard of landfill leachate using three-dimensional excitation emission fluorescence and parallel factor analysis method[J]. Waste Management, 2017, 67: 214-221 (SCI收录)
Pan Hongwei, Lei Hongjun, He Xiaosong, Xi Beidou, Han Yuping, Xu Qigong, Levels and distributions of organochlorine pesticides in the soil–groundwater system of vegetable planting area in Tianjin City, Northern China[J]. Environ Geochem Health, 2017, 39(2):417-429 (SCI收录)
Pan Hongwei, Lei Hongjun, He Xiaosong, Xi Beidou, Xu Qigong, Spatial distribution of organochlorine and organophosphorus pesticides in soil-groundwater systems and their associated risks in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River Basin[J]. Environmental geochemistry and health, 2019, 41(4): 1833-1845 (SCI收录)
Li Xiaolu, Zhou Yiyong, Liu Guanglong, Lei Hongjun*, Zhu Duanwei, Mechanisms of the photochemical release of phosphate from resuspended sediments under solar irradiation[J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2017, 595: 779-786 (SCI收录)
Lei Hongjun, Xia Yunfeng, Li Changjia, Xi Beidou*. Decomposition analysis of wastewater pollutant discharges in industrial sectors of china (2001–2009) using the LMDI I method[J]. 2012, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2012, 9(6): 2226-2240 (SCI收录)
Pan Hongwei, Lei Hongjun, Han Yuping, He Xiaosong, Xu Qigong, Li Dan, Song Caihong, Analysis of spatial distribution characteristics of dissolved organic matter in typical greenhouse[J]. Spectroscopy & Spectral Analysis, 2014, 34(6): 1582-1588 (SCI收录)
Lei Hongjun, Pan Hongwei*, Han Yuping, Liu Xin, Xu Jianxin, Using three-dimensional fluorescence spectrum technology to analyze the effects of natural dissolved organic matter on the pesticide residues in the soil[J]. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2015, 35(7): 1926-1932. (SCI收录)
Lei Hongjun, Li Baoguo, Bai Youlu, Huang Yuanfang, LüYizhong, Li Guitong, Modeling soil organic matter dynamics under intensive cropping systems in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain of China[J]. Pedosphere, 2006, 16(4): 409-419 (SCI收录)
Kong Xiangbin, Li Baoguo, Lal Rattan, Han Lei, Lei Hongjun, Li Kejiang, Bai Youlu, Soil Organic Carbon Stock and Crop Yields in Huang-Huai-Hai Plains, China[J]. Journal of Agricultural Science, 2012, 12(4): 140-154 (SCI收录)
Pan Hongwei, Yu Huibin, Wang Yanan, Liu Ruixia, Lei Hongjun, Investigating variations of fluorescent dissolved organic matter in wastewater treatment using synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy combined with principal component analysis and two dimensional correlation[J]. Environmental Technology, 2018, 39(19): 2495-2502 (SCI收录)
雷宏军*,刘欢,臧明,潘红卫,陈德立.曝气灌溉条件下土壤N2O排放特征及影响因子分析. 中国环境科学,2019, 39(5):2115-2122. (EI收录)
雷宏军,刘欢,刘鑫,潘红卫,陈德立.水肥气一体化灌溉对温室辣椒地土壤N2O排放的影响.农业机械学报, 2019, 50(3): 262-270. (EI收录)
臧明,雷宏军*,潘红卫,刘欢,徐建新,增氧地下滴灌改善土壤通气性促进番茄生长,农业工程学报,2018,34(23):109-118 (EI收录)
雷宏军,刘欢,Bhattarai Surya,Balsys Ron,潘红卫,气源及活性剂对曝气滴灌带水气单双向传输均匀性的影响[J],农业工程学报,2018,34(19): 88-94 (EI收录)
雷宏军,刘欢,张振华,Bhattarai S*, Balsys R,NaCl及生物降解活性剂对曝气灌溉水氧传输特性的影响[J]. 农业工程学报,2017,33(5):96-101 (EI收录)
雷宏军,臧明,张振华*,刘欢,刘智远,徐建新,循环曝气压力与活性剂浓度对滴灌带水气传输的影响[J].农业工程学报,2014,30(22):63-69 (EI收录)
雷宏军,乔姗姗,潘红卫*,商崇菊,贵州省农业净灌溉需水量与灌溉需求指数时空分布[J].农业工程学报,2016,32(12): 115-121. (EI收录)
Lei Hongjun*, Li Changjia, Xia Xunfeng*, Decomposition Analysis of Environmental Investment Effect on Industrial Wastewater Pollutants Reduction of China[J]. Energy Education Science and Technology Part A: Energy Science and Research, 2014, 32(4): 2549-2560. (EI收录)
Lei Hongjun*, Feng Kai, Pan Hongwei*, Chen Minyuan, Ecological Security Evaluation of Qianhe Lake Based on Driving Force-Pressure-State-Impact-Response (DPSIR) Model[J]. The Open Cybernetics and Systemics Journal, 2016, 17(13): 11.1-11.5 (EI收录)
Lei Hongjun, Pan Hongwei, Xi Beidou, Xu Ting, Composition and potential risks of agricultural chemical pesticides presented in the potential drinking water sources of groundwater from rural area, Eastern China[J]. BioTechnology: An Indian Journal, 2014, 10(12): 5966-5971(EI收录)
Lei Hongjun, Pan Hongwei, Xi Beidou, Pesticides pollution characteristics in the soil-groundwater system of vegetable greenhouse cultivation in eastern China[J]. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, 2014, 6(6): 369-373 (EI收录)
韩宇平,雷宏军,潘红卫,徐建新,基于虚拟水和广义水资源的区域水资源可持续利用评价[J].水利学报,2011,42(6):729-736 (EI收录)
Lei Hongjun, Yin Lina, Xi Beidou. Scenario analysis on the water environment carrying capacity of Wuliangsuhai Lake Basin[C]. Advanced Materials Research, 2013, 616-618: 1388-1393(SCI收录)
Hongjun Lei, Huan Liu, Ron Balsys, David J Midmore, Min Zang, Surya Bhattarai. Factors of relevance for improving the uniformity of oxygen distribution in drip irrigation water. Irrigation and Drainage, 2020 (SCI收录)