1.2001.09—2005.06 聊城大学物理科学与信息工程学院学习获学士学位;
2.2005.09—2010.06 四川大学电子信息学院学习获博士学位。
[1] 支持密文检索的单像素加密原理及方法研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,62275080,主持
[2] 基于双光瞳光学系统的图像加密及安全认证技术研究,国家自然科学青年基金项目,61205003,主持
[3] 基于相干层析成像的光学信息安全技术研究,河南省高等学校青年骨干教师资助项目,2014GGJS-068,主持
[4] 多目标强度关联成像及识别技术研究,河南省高等学校重点科研项目,19A510003,主持
[5] 智能视频监控中目标跟踪算法及应用研究,河南省科技攻关计划项目,172102210368,主持
[6] 单像素成像技术在安防监控目标检测中的应用,河南省科技攻关计划项目,182102310731,主持
[7] 强度关联成像技术及应用研究,校青年科技创新人才,70445,主持
[1] Yuan Sheng, Y. K. Han, X. M. Liu, etc. Optical encryption for multi-user based on computational ghost imaging with Hadamard modulation. Optik 2023, 273, 170500.
[2] Yuan Sheng, D. S. Chen, X. M. Liu, Xin Zhou. Optical encryption based on biometrics and single-pixel imaging with random orthogonal modulation. Optics Communications 2022, 522, 148643.
[3] Yuan Sheng, Y. Y. Du, M. T. Liu, etc. YOLOv5-Ytiny: A Miniature Aggregate Detection and Classification Model. Electronics, 2022, 11(11), 1743.
[4] Yuan Sheng, L. J. Wang, X. M. Liu, etc. Forgery attack on optical encryption based on computational ghost imaging. Optics Letters, 2020, 45: 3917-3920.
[5] Yuan Sheng, D. A. Magayane, X. M. Liu, etc. A blind watermarking scheme based on computational ghost imaging in wavelet domain. Optics Communications 2021, 482, 126568.
[6] Yuan Sheng, X. Liu, X. Zhou, etc. Noise reduction from two frame speckle shifting ghost images with morphology algorithms. J. Mod. Opt., 2019, 66(13), 1433-1440.
[7] Yuan Sheng, X. Liu, P. Bing. Simple denoising method for novel speckle-shifting ghost imaging with connected-region labeling. Current Opt. Photon., 2019, 3: 220-226.
[8] Yuan Sheng, Y. R. Yang, X. M. Liu, etc. Optical image transformation and encryption by phase-retrieval-based double random-phase encoding and compressive ghost imaging. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2018, 100: 105-110.
[9] Yuan Sheng, D. Xiang, X. M. Liu, etc. Edge detection based on computational ghost imaging with structured illuminations. Optics Communications, 2018, 410: 350-355.
[10] Yuan Sheng, X. M. Liu, X. Zhou, etc. Multiple-object ghost imaging with a single-pixel detector. Journal of Optics, 2016, 45(1): 92-98.
[11] Yuan Sheng, J. B. Yao, etc. Cryptanalysis and security enhancement of optical cryptography based on computational ghost imaging. Optics Communications, 2016, 365: 180-185.
[12] Yuan Sheng, X. M. Liu, X. Zhou, etc. Multiple image encryption scheme with a single pixel detector. Journal of Modern Optics, 2016, 63: 1457-1465.
[13] Yuan Sheng, X. M. Liu, X. Zhou, etc. Optical Encryption Scheme with Multiple Users Based on Computational Ghost Imaging and Orthogonal Modulation. J. Opt. Soc. K., 2016, 20: 476-480.
[14] Yuan Sheng, T. Zhang, X. Zhou, etc. Optical authentication technique based on interference image hiding system and phase-only correlation. Optics Communications, 2013, 304: 129-135.
[15] Yuan Sheng, T. Zhang, X. Zhou, etc. An optical authentication system based on encryption technique and multimodal biometrics. Opt. Laser Tech., 2013, 54: 120-127.
[16] Yuan Sheng, Y. H. Xin, etc. An improved method to enhance the security of double random-phase encoding in the Fresnel domain. Opt. Laser Tech., 2012, 44: 51-56.
[17] Yuan Sheng, M. T. Liu, S. X. Yao, etc. An improved optical identity authentication system with significant output images. Opt. Laser Tech., 2012, 44: 888-892.
[18] Yuan Sheng, S. X. Yao, Y. H. Xin, etc. Information hiding based on the optical interference principle. Optics Communications, 2011, 284: 5078-5083.
[19] Yuan Sheng, X. Zhou, J. G. Chen, etc. A blind image detection method for information hiding with double random-phase encoding. Opt. Laser Tech., 2009, 41(5): 590-595.
[20] Yuan Sheng, X. Zhou, M. S. Alam, etc. Information hiding based on double random-phase encoding technology and public-key cryptography. Optics Express, 2009, 17(5): 3270-3284.
[1] 光学图像加密及安全认证系统,河南省科技进步二等奖,2014,主持.
[2] 光学参量效应高效率太赫兹辐射源及应用,河南省科技进步二等奖,2018,第四.
[3] 高功率非线性光学太赫兹辐射源关键技术开发及应用,河南省技术发明二等奖,2021,第六.
[4] 基于数据融合的高悬浮含沙量在线检测系统,河南省科技进步三等奖,2017,第三.
[1] 一种基于二值化计算关联成像的小波域图像盲水印方法,发明专利,主持.
[2] 基于结构光照明和单像素成像的边界提取系统及方法,发明专利,主持.
[3] 一种基于相位恢复算法和计算关联成像的图像加解密方法,发明专利,主持.
[4] 基于鬼成像和公钥密码的多图像加密与解密方法,发明专利,主持.