On April 22nd, Mr. MathieuAusseil and Ms. Ouyang Weiwei from France Embassy in China visited NCWU. Stafffrom International Office,
School of Foreign Studies and School ofInternational Education of NCWU met with the guests.
During the talk, relevant departments andschools of NCWU introduced the status of current cooperative programs withFrance, the French
language teaching staff, French major as well as studentexchange program. Mr. Ausseil first introduced the College EducationCooperation
Section of the French Embassy, and spoke highly of the work NCWUhad done to promote higher education cooperation with French institutions.
Afterthe meeting, Mr. Ausseil and Ms. Ouyang Weiwei visited the linguistic laboratoriesand other teaching facilities.
Currently, NCWU is working with Frenchcounterparts such as Polytech NiceSophia and French EPF Institute ofEngineering to further our cooperation.
Moreover, Application for AllianceFrancaise of Henan is well on track.
NCWU is dedicated to cooperating withcountries around the world to create more opportunities for students.