Major in Landscape Architecture

add time:2021-07-28

  Education level: Undergraduate

  School system: five years

  Training objectives: This major is trained to meet the needs of my country's economic and social development and modernization, develop comprehensively in moral, intellectual, physical, and beauty, master the basic theoretical knowledge and design methods of landscape architecture, and have certain design capabilities, practical capabilities and innovative thinking. High-quality applied talents engaged in planning and design, engineering construction, and construction management in the field of landscape architecture.

  Professional Courses: Principles of Landscape Architecture Planning and Design, History of Chinese and Foreign Landscape Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Landscape Architecture Heritage Protection and Design, Landscape Architecture Design, Urban Green Space System Planning, Landscape Architecture Planning and Design , Water conservancy type scenic tourist area planning, waterfront landscape design.

  Practical courses: landscape architecture design practice, garden understanding practice, ancient architecture and garden survey and surveying practice, model making, sketch practice, color practice, landscape architecture special design, graduation practice, graduation design.

  Professional characteristics: Based on the discipline of landscape architecture, relying on the discipline group of architecture, integrating the advantages of the school's water conservancy and water ecology disciplines, highlighting the direction of urban waterfront landscape, water conservancy scenic area planning, ecological resource utilization and heritage protection, and training to be integrated Specialized talents to solve urban space, environment, and ecological problems.

  Employment destination: Graduates of this major are mainly engaged in design, research and management in the areas of planning and design related to human settlements, landscape architecture, engineering construction, and construction management.